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Amelia Gray is a full service cosmetic counter and skincare center. We offer a variety of services, and are best known for our cosmetic expertise and detailed brow artistry.

Tips for Your Best Summer Skin


Tips for Your Best Summer Skin

Tarrah Bouts, Owner & Licensed Esthetician

Should your skincare routine change with the seasons?

Absolutely! Dry winter air strips skin of its natural moisture and can make it feel itchy and look scaly. But in summer, the humidity and sweat from the heat can cause clogged pores and acne breakouts. And both your furnace and air conditioner can be hazardous to your skin’s health by dehydrating it. So, whatever the weather, skincare has its challenges.

Read on for some summer skincare tips so you can look and feel your best now that the sun, heat and humidity are here to stay for awhile.

5 Tips for Healthy Summer Skin

  1. Don’t skip washing your face! With warmer and more humid weather, your skin will produce more natural oils which can lead to sticky, greasy felling skin and clogged pores. It is extra important in the summer to cleanse your face regularly using the right formula for your skin. One we absolutely LOVE at Amelia Gray is the Ultra Gentle Cleanser from Face Reality. It works for just about everyone, but if you want a specific recommendation, ask your esthetician or one of our Guest Experts at the front desk.

  2. Keep your skin hydrated! This is true for your face and the rest of your skin. Make sure to use a moisturizer regularly. And for an extra dose of hydration, you can try the HydraCalm mask from Face Reality. Oh yeah, and don’t forget to make sure to drink plenty of water. No amount of moisturizing products can make up for lack of hydration from the inside out. You need both!

  3. Exfoliate! We have recently talked a lot about exfoliation and just because the dry weather is over doesn’t mean you can skip this part of your skincare. By gently exfoliating at least a couple times a week you will help to remove excess dirt, oil and dead skin which could clog your pores and lead to break outs. And here is our Pro Tip for getting your skin event ready in summer: make an appointment for a dermaplane service about 1 to 2 weeks prior to your event.

  4. Always wear sunscreen! Even if you work inside you still need to remember to protect your skin from the harsh UV rays of the sun. Just walking to and from your car a few times during the day is enough to damage your skin. And don’t forget, there is no such thing as a safe tan (unless it comes from a sunless tanning product). So make sure to apply sunscreen every day and when you are outside, stay in the shade or cover up. Who wants strange looking tan lines that show up under your special occasion dress anyway?

  5. Lighten up on your makeup! Heavy makeup keeps your skin from breathing. Add that to the heat and humidity and you are risking a breakout. In the summer, opt for lighter cosmetics like a tinted moisturizer and lip balm, Ask one of our Guest Experts at the front desk for recommendations on lightening up your makeup bag. They will be happy to point you in the right direction.

You definitely need to pay extra attention to your skin during the summer. A few simple steps, like the ones listed above, can help keep your skin looking great all summer long.